It is always such a joy to spend time together as a family and for us at least, it is never enough time. You all are such amazing and delightful adults and we look at you and marvel that you came from us, but we are incredibly grateful! Thanks for making the effort to come home for such quick visits. I know that you pay for your time away for the rest of the week so your visits are even more of a sacrifice.
Yab, I hope that you did not do terrible and permanent damage by coming here this weekend. You know that we would all drop everything and come to help if you need us.
Em, I am so sorry that you have to drive so far to retrieve Piggie and to make amends to her for being gone. Tell her that she was missed all weekend - it is not a holiday without Pigaletta!
Goose, it feels like you have been out of town or entertaining guests every weekend since Christmas. I don't know how you keep up with all the normal, everyday demands when you don't have time to refresh on weekends. I forgot to ask when you fly to Washington.
Hooey is the luckiest. She gets to spend all of her free time with her Mama and Daddy. It does not make sense that she keeps announcing that she is running away to New York.
Mattie has slept the rest of the day - you all wore her out!!
PS: The other lucky part for us is that we have some amazing leftovers - thanks for all the food prep!
Hoppy Easter! We love you!
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